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TRF Media
Blessings for year 2021 from our Spiritual Father, Daddy Nunayon
According to Exodus 23:20-26, as you continue to worship Jehovah, in this year you will not be hurt, but you will be blessed and you will eat the good of the land, in good health. A loud AMEN?
Are you planning to visit church soon?
Then, watch this video
The 'new-normal' way to worship? How do you worship in church during this global pandemic? Here are some guidelines we are all asked to follow when visiting the church during all services and functions.
Believe me that this year will be good, a year of peace and joy...
CCC HYMN 351 is our song for the month of January 2020!

In this new year...
I declare you a winner in the name of Jesus!
Listen to our Shepherd's (Sup. Evang. Solomon Adejumo) prayers and declarations for year 2020. Don't forget to share with your loved ones...
Pastor EMF Oshoffa of CCC W/W asks for God's mercy upon the entire world
God of SBJ Oshoffa show a sign during this pandemic situation...
Watch the representations and guess the bible reference...
Learning about the Holy Week by acting it....quietly!
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